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Biodiesel is a biosynthetic fuel of plant origin, produced from various vegetable oils and methanol. From a purely technical point of view, raw materials such as rapeseed oil, soybean oil, palm oil and other oilseeds can be used. However, since these are also important in the food industry, it makes ethical sense to use waste and residual materials such as used cooking oils and animal fats for production. The goal is to further expand this area and to completely replace the above-mentioned vegetable cooking oils with waste and residual materials. Consequently, biodiesel is characterised by a good ecological balance. The by-products of the chemical reaction are also used in other areas such as the cosmetics and food industries or even as animal feed.
In accordance with EU regulations and the approval of the automotive industry, up to 7 % of biodiesel may be added to the existing fuel network (diesel). Technical approval is not required for this. In the case of higher blending rates or pure biodiesel operation, a technical Manufacturer's release required. The AGQM publishes further information on this topic under the following link Link.
Biofuels Switzerland
Swiss Biofuels Association
Bahnhofstrasse 9
CH-4450 Sissach