Fuel importers: Compensation obligation and renewable fuels
Importers of petrol and diesel must continue to offset part of the CO₂ emissions of these fuels with climate measures, now with a maximum rate of up to 90 %. Importers can also offset their emissions with climate protection projects abroad. With the conclusion of various bilateral agreements, Switzerland has created the conditions for this. The maximum surcharge that fuel importers can charge for this at the pump remains unchanged at 5 centimes per litre of petrol and diesel. Importers are to reduce 5 to 10 % of CO₂ emissions from fuels directly by putting renewable fuels on the market. At the same time, the mineral oil tax relief will be continued until 2030.
Biofuels Switzerland
Swiss Biofuels Association
Bahnhofstrasse 9
CH-4450 Sissach